Thursday, May 6, 2010

If you will direct your attention to the center ring...


These last two classes have been pretty cool overall. Everyone is presenting their projects, the challenges and new information they've discovered.

Ben has been researching the argument for legalizing marijuana and he's found a lot of compelling information for its legalization. I can tell he was really interested in his topic. He's got a sharp mind for tracking down resources, or else more self motivation than most for initiating contact with sources. I'm impressed.

Geo has been blessed with a couple of great sources, one in our scholarship house and another an honors class professor he developed a good relationship with. It's a great topic.

As far as my grade and putting together an appealing project goes I wish I had chosen a different topic, but as far as life itself goes, I'm indeed blessed to gave been able to think about this for a couple hours every Tuesday and Thursday. There's no telling where I might be with this planning process had I had to do it on my own in addition to class. But like I say, turning it into a comprehensible assignment...

And now, to distract you with some pictures and reading, our wedding website and engagment photos.

Because I have to...


And the desperate search began
All across this sea and land
I just knew I'd find you here
I just knew I'd find you
- The Lions Roar by The Hush Sound

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feeding the coordinates into the nav-computer...


We're locked in for the Hartstone Inn, in Camden, Maine. Made the reservation last night. Will book plane tickets soonest.

Honestly, choosing a room to stay in to honeymoon has been kinda surreal. It's not just looking for a place to a stay. It's looking for a place to romance. And I'll leave it at that.

Finished up the sidebar corrections and started on the main article this weekend.

Anyone of these project based classes I'm taking this semester would have been more enjoyable if I wasn't taking three at once, while working at the Collegian. Blah, blah, I'm whining, I'll quit now.

Because I have to...


Stickshifts and safetybelts,
Bucket-seats have all got to go,
When we're driving in the car
It makes my baby seem so far.
- Stickshifts and Safteybelts by Cake

Monday, May 3, 2010

Gone to radio silence...


Still no word from, Mel, I guess I'm being ignored. It's too bad, her cousins would have been a great resource. It's a funny place the internet, and I will never understand why people think the electronic realm is a place where social rules don't apply. A "No" would have been more acceptable than silence.

Fortunately, my other three sources came through.

Because I have to...


Silence couldn't stop the sound,
The news and gossip got around.
A whisper here whisper there,
I do, but don't know why, I care.
- City Traffic Puzzle by The Hush Sound