Thursday, April 15, 2010

A small request...


So I wrote to Mel of the blog Simply Mel, asking for advice about honeymooning in New England. Google Alerts directed me to Mel's blog because of a post she made about her cousins that had visited her and her family where they live in New England during their honeymoon. From her blog and profile, I believe Mel to be a very likable and and friendly person.

'Fantastic,' I thought, 'Perhaps she can suggest something about New England. Maybe she'll help me get in touch with her cousins so I can interview them for an interview. They'd be a wonderful source.'

So I sent her an email, explaining who I am, what I'm doing, and gave her the link to my Weebly site, the NoFreakin Way so she had at least as much information about me as I had about her. I asked for advice and queried if she could put me in touch with her cousins.

The email I got back was not very helpful and she didn't mention anything about putting me in touch with her cousins. It wasn't an unkind email in the least, it just didn't include very much.

She's under no obligation to help me, with a family to raise I'm sure she's very busy, so I'm not complaining, just disappointed. All I know is if it were me, I would have at least called my cousins to ask if they were interested. Maybe I'm too used to the Internet to think such a request weird. I don't particularly like the internet, but I am used to it. *shrug* Oh well. I may email her again, since she didn't really say no, just to double check.

Because I have to...

Jesse Riggs

You've entered the room with great caution
Though no one in the hall is even watching
They are transfixed
They are forgetting just to breath
They are so taken by your symphony...
In C
- Commissioning A Symphony In C, by Cake

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Once more unto the breach...


Back again for a quick blog update on the Honeymoon planning and the progression of the piggybacking class project.

First, I would like to say, that yes, the blog post concerning the Google Alert that returned my own blog on a honeymoon in New England (yikes, I've done it again, I'll be hearing about this post before the week is out) was indeed picked up by Google Alerts and I was again alerted to my own post. At least I know the Alert search engine is thorough.

I believe I have narrowed down my target lodging to a seaside resort, which one not determined, though Emerson Inn by the Sea looks promising. The rush now is to decide and book. *waggle eyebrows* Life comes at you fast.

I have been astounded throughout this class at the amount of useless information available on the Internet. Add to that everything that is only useful to a very specific group of people and it's a very unfriendly place to a college student trying to plan a honeymoon and document his search. Which explains my slow filling of my bookmark quota. Two more today makes 19. Six more to go.

Because I have to...

Jesse Riggs

Do you remember when we were just kids
And cardboard boxes took us miles from what we would miss
Schoolyard conversations taken to heart
And laughter took the place of everything we knew we were not
- Inevitable, by Anberlin